Her Hands His Heart

What is Her Hands His Heart?

Her Hands, His Heart is a faithful group of Godly women who came together on August 26, 2023; Their purpose was to use their individual Spiritual Gifts to serve our community, showing the Love of Jesus. Chris Foubister and Pam Prow invited women from the One Christ Won City Churches for a weekly gathering of Prayer and Bible devotions along with a discussion on where Jesus was calling them to serve.

Over the past twelve months, they have collaborated with over eight non profits who expressed a need for volunteers to serve their people. They also provided baby supplies to a local non profit, they collected and distributed hundreds of blankets and warm clothing during the chilly months of November and December for the people visiting the food pantries, they collected and distributed school supplies to nine schools helping over 353 classrooms, and whenever One Christ Won City had an event that required helping hands, they were there to Joyfully Serve.

Every Thursday at 10 am, the Lift Church graciously provides a meeting place where they ask that the Lord’s will be revealed so their serving glorifies Jesus Christ.

For more information, call or text Chris @ 941-716-4102 or email cfouby03@gmail.com

Joyfully Serving Jesus,

Chris Foubister

Her Hands, His Heart Projects

Good News Taylor Ranch Bible Teaching Thursday 3-5PM WEEKLY

Community Assistance ministry Trinity Presbyterian every Tuesday and Thursday 8;30 to 11 AM Food Sorting WEEKLY

Make A Difference Day Help refresh the City of Venice OCTOBER

Keep our People Warm Collect blankets, parkas etc. NOVEMBER

Serve Pastors and Wives a meal and small gift NOVEMBER

Stuffies for children for Christmas / children’s hospital DECEMBER

Help Our Schools Collect Classroom supplies MARCH

Feed our Kids Through Summer South County Food Pantry Coalition MAY

Day Of Hope Provide meals for 500 JULY

EMT Treat Provide EMT with food items. OPEN

Baby Items Collect diapers, and formula new baby clothes OPEN

Thank You Educators Provide a light Breakfast for all school staff. OPEN