Find Grace

For the one who desperately needs to be reminded today... Hey friend, it’s okay.

You don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to have all the answers.
You don’t have to get it all right. It’s okay. Come find grace.

Yes, the holiday season can be fun, exciting and special, but it can also be really hard. Actually, let’s be real... life in general can be really hard. It’s okay. Come find grace.

Whatever season you are in personally, can I just say that I’m really proud of you I’m proud of you because you’re still here. You’re still showing up.

God has purpose for you, and His promises are still true.
God has more for you, and the key to all of it is Jesus.
Stay in the Word.
Keep your heart right.
Don’t stop praying.
And in the middle, keep waiting well. It isn’t for nothing.
God is a good God, and He knows what He’s doing.

And when you forget, remember… it’s okay. Come find and embrace His grace. 
And when you find it for you, you can give it to others.


A Word on Weakness

